Monday, November 14, 2005

Celeb crushes, what for??

I'm curious. Recently I read a book about a teen celebrity going undercover. He's nothing special. An average kid in high-school, until it's revealed to the that he is THE hot-shot teen celeb of the century.
Then everyone stalks him. The fans and the paparazzi. What sets them apart from everyone else? I want to know. Other than their obvious talents, at singing, performing, acting etc.

They're only human after all. For all you care, it could be YOU.

Ok, imagine you had your 5 minutes of fame, just like William Hung on American Idol. You did crap at singing your favourite song, but whatever, it's was only 5 minutes on national TV right? The embarassment's all over, or so you think.

Then suddenly everyone is stalking you. A random picture of you eating at a hawker stall is featuring in Galaxie, there are pictures of your friends and family on MTV, and bullshit articles about your personal life is sitting on newsstands everywhere. A gajillion fan clubs mushroomed out of nowhere on the Internet overnight.

Remember the discarded tissue that you blew your nose on? Well, good ol' tissue is selling on E-bay for a thousand bucks. Then finally, you go..."WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING??"

Don't you think celebrities feel that way too? After all, they're human, just like you. What's so special about them? That makes them have fans worshipping the ground they stand on, stalkers trailing them to the toilet, and paparazzi hiding in that bush next to their home, hoping to snap a picture of them brushing their teeth or something?

I certainly wouldn't like that. It would seriously suck.

Admit it, you had that one-time serious, serious crush on that hot rock-star, and kissed all his CD covers before going to sleep. (I'm not saying there's a certain SOMEONE who does this, though there could be. *grin*) What drove you to do that?

Dreams that someday you would marry the guy? Puh-leeze. You KNOW that's not gonna happen. But so what if you do? Marry the guy, I mean?

Oh, you tell me you've found the man of your dreams and you're living happily ever after, yaddayaddayadda.

Goodness, WAKE UP! This is EARTH, not UTOPIA. Every person has their flaws, believe or not. Angelina Jolie has them, Josh Groban has them, Brad Pitt has them, geez, even BONO has flaws.
And why are you still lusting after that guy/girl that you don't even KNOW??

You don't know? Wait, I hear you saying...

"Oh my god! He/She's sooooooo cute! And did you see that movie he/she did? Remember that scene??? It's SOOOOOO COOOOOOL!!! I LURRRVE IT!!! WOOHOO!! <insert celebrity name here> RAWKS!!!"

Tell me that and I'll smack you. You DO know that it's just a movie/song, right?

So that's obviously not real. Now, clear your head, think again and tell me why.

*hears nothing*

What?? You don't know why you have a POTC movie poster on your wall? You don't know why Orly Bloom is your permanent desktop wallpaper? You don't know why you sleep with Lindsay Lohan picture under your pillow?

*hears more silence*

See? There definitely are mysteries in the universe that can't be solved. At least not by your lowly minion, Poofanie. :o( Guess I'll never learn the secret charm celebrities have that keep their fans spellbound. Oh well. There'll never be a Stephanie fan club, I guess.

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