Sunday, November 27, 2005

Daymare o_O

Before I say anything else...I'm BA-ACK! =D Camp was great and I had tons of fun.=P I'll blog more about that another time. For now, I want to talk about my weird, weird daymare, cause it's not nighttime yet (only 6.30 pm) and technically it can't be a nightmare, but anyway.

I was really tired after camp, what with only 8 hours of sleep every night, as compared to my customary 12 hours. So today after coming home from shopping today I collapsed on the couch and went to sleep.

There was an article in Reader's Digest a couple months ago about lucid dreaming, which unknowingly, I've been doing all the time. It's a state of mind where you are conscious in your sleep. I like to call it the twilight zone.=D When you are drifting between wakefulness and sleep, you can pick what you're going to dream about. Amazing isn't it? I didn't know what was it called then, but I've been doing this since I was young to ward off nightmares.

It didn't work for me today.

When I'm in the 'twilight zone' I can't move, unless I will myself very hard to, then I jerk into complete conciousness. In the twilight zone can hear my surroundings, feel the bed I'm sleeping on, but I can't really control my body, yet I can think. It's complicated. Today, as I was picking a topic to dream about, someone started whispering in my ear. To my utmost horror, it was the little girl I used to dream, or rather, have nightmares about.

So I opened my eyes, which was supposed to wake me up completely. I saw my mom sleeping on the couch across of me, and I heard the lawnmower roaring it's way across the lawn. The terrible thing was, I could hear the girl whispering in my ear all this while. I couldn't make her go away. I felt something pressing down on me and I tried to sit up, then I started drifting in and out of conciousness. One second I could hear the lawnmower and see my mom, the next second I could only see the girl and hear her whispering in my ear. Creepy.

I never realised that if I could take reality into my dreams, I could probably turn my dreams, or nightmares into reality too. The brain is a complicated thing.

Gotta go now, I'll finish this blog post later. Pray for my safety for now. =O

Update: I'm back! =D
Anyway, I see Yap's back from goodness-knows-where and has already commented, so nyeh to her. =Þ And Yap, there's a scientific explanation for that. Apparently, that happens when your brain is partially awake but your nerves haven't been stimulated yet. :o) (Don't ask me where I got all these info)

Back to the story. Some history about this little girl. As I don't really believe in spirits, I'll just say that she's a fictional character made up by my brain with some help from my previous maid and the movie The Ring. This little girl is also the source of my brief period of paranoia a couple years back, when I was convinced my house was haunted. I couldn't sleep at night because I heard her whispering and someone breathing next to me. Scary huh? The thing is, those weren't dreams. I was completely awake when I experienced those things. I could probably say that was the scariest time of my life. I'd practically pee in my pants when I hear something behind me and couldn't find the cause of it. (Hey I was 12 then, ok?)

ANYWAY, I've found scientific explanations for all those things. The whisperings in my ear and the girl from the corner of my eye was my overactive imagination stimulated by fear. The roaring and breathing in my ear was the sudden rush my blood to head, also stimulated by fear. As for the bumps and creaks at night? That would be the wooden furniture contracting. Since then I haven't been afraid anymore. You could say science saved me from having a mental breakdown. Then you would understand why I have so little faith in anything spiritual and believe a lot in science.

I DO believe in God, though I don't believe in religion. Freethinker, as people say. Not an atheist, as many people tend to confuse that with a freethinker. But as science progresses, you can find so many more explanations to the miracles in life, which is just...sad. Nothing is as interesting anymore. Give or take a couple more decades, and science can probably take away (explain) the miracles in life. Depressing.

But it's still disturbing to think that the little girl is back. I'm still scared shitless of her, I'll admit. I don't know why, but she just freaks me out. Maybe I'll just use what little faith I have and believe that she won't disturb me anymore.

Or maybe I'll just put it down to long-term supressed trauma and check myself into a mental institute.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Grand Theft Auto: Great game? Possibly. =D

=O Yesterday my friends came over to stay,so that the next day we could all go watch HP4 together. (And no, I'm not gonna blog about HP4 so you readers are safe from spoilers ;o) Anyway, Jun Yan brought over the game I've been wanting to play for a looong time, Grand Theft Auto (not SA) =D It's very fun...especially when you take head shots! :O You have NO idea how much fun it is to watch people's head pop off and watch their blood shooting out of their head like fountains. *cackles*

Anyway, it's a kinda sick game with lots of swear words, so you should keep this game away from little kiddos. I heard you could rape girls in the San Andreas version, but luckily they didn't bring that over. :K I would be very embarassed if I was caught watching that particular scene, and the guys would think I'm a lesbian or something. Heehee! As if it wasn't enough with the guy's singing My Humps the whole day, though they cracked me up, it's hilarious! (Guy's cue: Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? My cue: I'ma getgetget you drunk, get you love drunk off my humps) Nice song though. Guys, you should buy me some icies and then you can sing: She's got me spen-din'... =P

Anyway, GTA is a fun game, especially if you're a very sick and destructive person.

*laughs hysterically* Look at that guys leg! It flew right across the street! *laughs some more*
Brandon: Man, you're sick la. *covers eyes*

Anyway, right after that, Brandon took back control of the weapons and proceeded to murder some more passersby without so much as batting an eyelid. So much for empathy, huh?

The bazooka is a cun-ted weapon, especially for blowing up helicopters. =D The sniper is great if you can get yourself up to a high spot. Byebye, innocent people. *malicious laughter* My favourite weapon is the gun thingy, I'm not sure what the name is, but you sure can take out a whole row of bystanders with one spread shot. Then sit back and watch the blood splatter like fireworks. Muhahahaha. The only downside is that it only has 60 rounds of ammo, then you have to stop to reload, and this could pretty much cost your life. =P

Jun Yan:
Nice view!
*person walks by*

Jun Yan: Eh, you blocking my view.
*SPLAT! Person's head flies off and blood starts gushing out like a waterfall
I couldn't help laughing, even though I knew it was sick and twisted. (Haven't I always been sick and twisted anyway?)

Anyway, get this game if you want a few laughs. If you can't stand the sight of blood? Don't even think or dream about it.

Stephanie's last words before being packed off to camp:
*takes gun and fires* DIE PEOPLE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! *insert cue: pretend you're dead now, or I will run you over with the police car whose owners I had murdered and you'll die anyway.* STILL not dead yet? Fine, flamethrower time! Woohoo! Barbecued humans for dinner? YAY! It's finger lickin' good! =D

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

You call that a blog? *harsh laugh* Pathetic.

Recently, I have come across several blogs, which are pathetic little things you would want to turn your back, run away and never visit that page again.
For they have crossed the line on the 10 sacred blogging taboos *gasp* (Wait, how can taboos be sacred? Anyway...) So here they are, Stephanie's 10 blogging taboos.

Taboo #1: Ch4t5p34k

Who the hell do you think wants to read your chatspeak? Lyke c3r741nly I D0n'7!!!shiftone11!! Chat speak may have been cool 5 years ago, but definitely isn't now. Or maybe now being uncool is the new in thing, and you guys are trying to be uncool to be cool....(?) But anyway, if you type in chatspeak, you can be sure that people like myself will never visit your page again.

Taboo #2: Multicoloured Text

This is a big no-no. Text like this makes people want scream in frustration when they try to decipher your text. You want to 'express your creativity'? Take a box of crayons and sit in the corner with a drawing pad, like the baby you are.

Invisible text <------Triple click here

Do you think you readers are going to spend their time triple-clicking or pressing Ctrl+A to read your blog? Maybe some tolerant viewers will, but you can count me out as one of them. LOSERS!!! Hahaha.

Taboo#4: Using too many short forms

For me, this is highly irritating. In fact I get vv mad whn i rd this. Last ngt, I almst blew my top ovr this. Leaving out vowels just proves what a bad speller/typist you are.

Taboo#5: Posting nothing but pictures

There's a photo album for this reason you know? And without putting captions, how the hell are we supposed to know what you're trying to tell us? I may be *coughcoughcough*super-smart*hack* but I'm definitely not psychic. My pokemon may be, (*hugs Ralts*) but you can't count on everyone having Ralts with them, can you?

Taboo#6: Posting up lyrics and nothing else (also known OMG! I LOVE THIS SONG! syndrome)

OMGOMGOMG THIS SO LYKE SO TTL RAWKS MY SOX!!!! <insert copy-and-paste lyrics of song here>
It's irritating, ok? I know you love that song, but this is a blog, not



Taboo#8: PRe-SCHooL CHaTSPeaK

THiS iS WHeRe PeoPLe CaPiTaLiZe THe CoNsoNaNTS oR ViCe VeRSa. iRRiTaTiNG HuH? O_o GeeZ, I DoN'T KNoW HoW You GuYS CaN TYPe LiKe THiS, I'M eXHauSTeD aLReaDY.

Taboo#9: Ignoring Punctuation

This is so stupid since no one can tell where your sentence starts and where it ends its kinda like those mensa puzzles where you try to divide all sentences equally and have them make sense as well only this time its for complete cretins dont you think so i do and i dont care if you dont it annoys me very much

Taboo#10: The last but not least...THe sUPeR  cOMbo

This is a bloggers worst nightmare. A combo of all the above sins.  I don't even want to talk about it.

aND So I coNCLude My SPeEch tHANks v much aND gNitE YOU IMBECILES

If you can read this, you've probably commited one these sins as well. -smacks- Now you have to promise me to blog nicely or I'll boycott your page forever! Muahahahaha.......

=The end, thank you=

Your favourite antagonist,

P.s. On blogging hiatus until 27th November, so ta-ta people. Even if you miss me (as if) I certainly won't miss you!! -evil cackle-

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


One question.

Do I look like a boy? Do I sound like one? Do I act like one?

Ok, that's 3 questions, but what the hell. I may have a boy's figure, and be generally less girlish than the girlie crowd out there, but is there anyway to justify THAT?? *points downward*

Click for full pic, please.

O_o...I get tons of these everyday.

I made a mistake when signing up for hotmail, and selected my gender as 'Male'.

Stephanie has suddenly become a girls's AND boy's name.

It's for me to forward to my boyfriend. o_o Since his penis isn't big enough. Actually, I don't have a boyfriend, but tell that to the spam company.

Apparently, I'm not giving my non-existent boyfriend enough pleasure in bed, and they found out. *gasp*

There's a top secret gene mutation lab in the United States producing hermaphrodites! And the media got hold of their top secret blueprints and produced a super-drug that is *cough*'super-fast' with 'perfect results'. o_o The US government threatened to kill each and every one of the drug-producers, but they weren't afraid since they could now double their sales, since now girls could have penises too! -super gasp-

Hahaha....wait, does this mean....does this mean that people could have sex with themselves now?? =O -jawdrop-


P.S. I like the last conclusion the most. =D

P.P.S. Hey, it's likely ok?? -conspirational whisper- Who knows what the US government might be doing? -shifty eyes-

P.P.P.S.*cough* *coughcoughcough*At least I don't have writer's pop like *cough* Yap.*cough*

Monday, November 14, 2005

Celeb crushes, what for??

I'm curious. Recently I read a book about a teen celebrity going undercover. He's nothing special. An average kid in high-school, until it's revealed to the that he is THE hot-shot teen celeb of the century.
Then everyone stalks him. The fans and the paparazzi. What sets them apart from everyone else? I want to know. Other than their obvious talents, at singing, performing, acting etc.

They're only human after all. For all you care, it could be YOU.

Ok, imagine you had your 5 minutes of fame, just like William Hung on American Idol. You did crap at singing your favourite song, but whatever, it's was only 5 minutes on national TV right? The embarassment's all over, or so you think.

Then suddenly everyone is stalking you. A random picture of you eating at a hawker stall is featuring in Galaxie, there are pictures of your friends and family on MTV, and bullshit articles about your personal life is sitting on newsstands everywhere. A gajillion fan clubs mushroomed out of nowhere on the Internet overnight.

Remember the discarded tissue that you blew your nose on? Well, good ol' tissue is selling on E-bay for a thousand bucks. Then finally, you go..."WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING??"

Don't you think celebrities feel that way too? After all, they're human, just like you. What's so special about them? That makes them have fans worshipping the ground they stand on, stalkers trailing them to the toilet, and paparazzi hiding in that bush next to their home, hoping to snap a picture of them brushing their teeth or something?

I certainly wouldn't like that. It would seriously suck.

Admit it, you had that one-time serious, serious crush on that hot rock-star, and kissed all his CD covers before going to sleep. (I'm not saying there's a certain SOMEONE who does this, though there could be. *grin*) What drove you to do that?

Dreams that someday you would marry the guy? Puh-leeze. You KNOW that's not gonna happen. But so what if you do? Marry the guy, I mean?

Oh, you tell me you've found the man of your dreams and you're living happily ever after, yaddayaddayadda.

Goodness, WAKE UP! This is EARTH, not UTOPIA. Every person has their flaws, believe or not. Angelina Jolie has them, Josh Groban has them, Brad Pitt has them, geez, even BONO has flaws.
And why are you still lusting after that guy/girl that you don't even KNOW??

You don't know? Wait, I hear you saying...

"Oh my god! He/She's sooooooo cute! And did you see that movie he/she did? Remember that scene??? It's SOOOOOO COOOOOOL!!! I LURRRVE IT!!! WOOHOO!! <insert celebrity name here> RAWKS!!!"

Tell me that and I'll smack you. You DO know that it's just a movie/song, right?

So that's obviously not real. Now, clear your head, think again and tell me why.

*hears nothing*

What?? You don't know why you have a POTC movie poster on your wall? You don't know why Orly Bloom is your permanent desktop wallpaper? You don't know why you sleep with Lindsay Lohan picture under your pillow?

*hears more silence*

See? There definitely are mysteries in the universe that can't be solved. At least not by your lowly minion, Poofanie. :o( Guess I'll never learn the secret charm celebrities have that keep their fans spellbound. Oh well. There'll never be a Stephanie fan club, I guess.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

It's definitely not my week. ;.;

Warning: The following post contains a lot of pent-up anger and stress, therefore it is lacking of quality. Read at your own risk.

I feel so cruddy right now. -cry-

Ever since Friday when I handed in the banner for the Deepavali celebration. *sniff*

I was so proud of my work...cutting out the letters, painting them and sprinkling glitter (even though I messed up with the glitter and my mom had to do it =P). And then when I saw the backdrop it was to be against......oh my god. Purple sari with bright golden was so beautiful until my horrible paper letters were pinned up against it.

Bright red, green and blue poster colour paint with 2 ringgit glitter, against that piece of art?? -faints-
So I sat there and watched the adults pin it up, trying -hard- to pretend to like it, feeling like a piece of shit for messing up the decorations.

Imagine working 4 hours without rest and then see your work practically destroying the decor. Horrible, innit?

Sadly, that Friday night, I couldn't sleep until 4 am, which sucked. Then I had to wake up at 10:30 am for my piano lesson with my super weird teacher who thinks that she's my best friend (???) and her devilish little son who loves to press the car horn following the rhythm of the piano. -_-''

*Mozart's Sonatina playing*

Lalalalala *plonk* (wrong note)..........lalalalalalala....................very nice song...


PONPONPONPONPONPONPON!!!!!!!!!! (car horn if you didn't know)

*laughter from said little boy*...*honks some more*


I felt like walking over and dunking the little kid's head into the pond. Bleh.

As if the day didn't start off horribly enough already, I had a dental appointment immediately after my piano class. You DO know about my low tolerance level with kids, right? :o(

In the clinic, there was a young Down's Syndrome kid kicking the couch, screaming and whining at his mom. Geez, like my ears didn't need a rest after all that honking.

"Maa-aa-aa.......taknaktaknaktaknak.....*hits mother*.

Anyway, the dentist tightened my braces AGAIN and made it hurt really bad. Thanks, that did a lot to improve my mood. Grr.

Then my mom asked the dentist how long more I needed to wear my braces.

"Oh, another 6 months more I think, at the rate she's going." I SWEAR her face was completely gleeful under that accursed paper mask. The last time I asked her, she said it'd be out in FOUR BLOODY months. LIAR! I've HAD THEM ON FOR NEARLY 4 YEARS NOW, and the time I need to wear them seems to get longer and longer and longer. *complain*

Gee whiz. Starving, I went for the Deepavali dinner.

Guess what they had? Tandoori chicken, fried prawns, fried rice, some green gloop that only reminded too much about the previous posts's leeks. Yummm........^_^ *is happier already*

*Takes a cracker while waiting for dinner*


YEOWWWWWW!!!! My teeth hurt so bad. -tries to bite again- Oh my god, I can't bite a BLOODY FISH CRACKER!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! What about the tandoori chicken??? -cry-

So I sat there all alone. Guilty, hungry, sleepy, extremely grumpy and with a toothache. No make that TEETHache.

So I tried to drown my sorrows with a cup of punch.

-holds cup while trying to find other snacks-


This huge guy walked BACKWARD of all directions, and his elbow went /splat/ into my cup. And the contents of the cup splattered all over me.

All over ME, MY NEW NECKLACE that my cousin gave me, on my bag that I JUST WASHED, and on the floor. NONE on the clumsy guy AT ALL. HOW FAIR IS THAT?? Really, really pissed, I went to find my mom. She was talking to her friends.

"Hi girl." -takes in drenched appearance of her daughter- "You took a shower ah? Who gave you a shower?" -looks at Dad and friends-

Laughter, and more laughter. How nice.

Stomping away to dry off in front off this huge fan, I passed a couple of friends. This really nice 'gentleman' as he calls himself, *roll eyeball* greeted me. And bloody, I just snapped. I SNARLED at him for goodness sake, though I really hope he dismissed that.

Now, I'm SLEEPY, HUNGRY, IN PAIN, DRENCHED and feeling bloody GUILTY.

How awfully, terribly nice.

A couple of people stopped to ask me what's the matter, and I just waved them off. And when my friend wanted to start a conversation, he leant on my shoulder, I just went, "My shoulder is NOT a bloody ARM rest!" I could feel my face twisting into a snarl again. He just backed off, not a word, not even his customary "Chill, man."

Gee, I always scare the shit out of people. I wonder why. *inserts sarcasm here* I wonder if my friends even want to come see Harry Potter with me after all that. Or even talk to me, for that matter.

This sucks.

SOMEBODY COME CHEER ME UP! -cry- Pat me on the back or something. I'll even allow you to give me hug, that's just how crappy I feel.

........Or maybe just hand me that chocolate bar.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


[Date and time unknown so I made it up]

That's my favourite word. Other than 'oxymoron' and 'owning' and 'evilness' of course.

Unorthodox. See the way it rolls off your tongue? Yummmm.......

We live in such a superficial world nowadays. People judge you by what you wear, what you do, what music you listen to...etcetc. I'm sure you get what I mean.

So I'm gonna relish in my weirdness and unorthodoxness. I'm not sure if I used the word right...:/ I'm pretty sure it's for actions...ANYWAY...

Why am I different? Because I am. :P  I don't get influenced by other people. Well, at least I try HARD not to. I don't listen to Papa Roach, or pierce my nose to look and 'feel' cool. Because that wouldn't be me.

When other people are fawning over SOAD or Slipknot...I'm listening to Britney Spears, because I like it.Screw those who say she's 'poppy' and not cool.
When people are decking out themselves in shiny accessories and have chains hanging from studded belts...I'm wearing a T and jeans, because I feel comfy in them.
Screw those who think it's boring.
When people are busy counting calories...I'm having YET another caramel frappe, because I love frappes, so there.
Screw those who think it's fattening.
When people are having wet dreams...I dream about chasing faceless people and throttling them to death, because I'm like that.
Screw those who think it's weird.
When wannabes are sucking up to the cool people, trying to be part of the 'in' crowd...I'm hanging out with my friends, even if they are so-called nerds, because I'm cool like that.
Screw those who think it's loser-ish.
When people are typing in ch4t5p35k, I use proper grammer, because I don't want to let my literacy go to waste.
Screw those who think it's uncool.
When people are showing off their newest handphones which they don't use...I'm sitting in the corner playing my 3 year old Gameboy, because I'd choose Pokemon over SMSes any day.
Screw those who think it's childish.
When people are spending an hour primping...I'm walking around with uncombed hair, because my time's more precious than my hair.
Screw those who think it's inappropriate.
So WHAT do I think is cool? I hear you ask. ;D
THIS is what I think is cool.

Zachary Dean. The sexiest guitar alive. So there. =D
...Trust me, this boy ALIVE!

Sparkly pink nail polish! Plain black is so...boring.
And it's NOT gross to post pics of your toes on your blog. =o

Poddie! <3 My pink iPod mini with her skin on. :D
Nicer than YOUR mp3 player. Mwahaha.

Pokemon. I don't care. It'll always be my favourite game. *huggles Pichu*

Having a sweat-drenched Pierre Bouvier panting right in front of you is cool, too. *wink* =D

Last pic, since it's 2 am and the photo thing takes SO long to load...
FLUNKIES!!!! Hahahaha!!!! Followers are cool.
No, not really...I just put this is to annoy her. Mwahaha....cause i'm evil like that. *evil laugh*

There ya go, guys. Dear ol' Sunshine wearing only her super long skirt! (and a very, very odd look on her face, which I haven't noticed before) Heeheehee....
Don't you just love me for me?

Friday, November 11, 2005

You know what gets me?

Read on to find out. :D

Sometimes...I think adults came from different planets, you know? I don't get them and they just don't get me. :o( Like the time my mom was looking for a new handbag...and she KEPT picking the ugly wrinkly looking ones out from the whole bunch of bags. I'm always *cough* honest when I give my opinion, so I just told her, "Mo-om, it's HIDEOUS!"

And she'll be like, "But girl, it's in fashion now what!" -_-''

"Screw fashion," I'd always mutter, not loud enough for my mom to hear, though.
And THEN, she'll give me a look that'll say, "Aiyo, why teens now so rebellious one ar? FASHION also don't like..."

T_T That's what I get for being honest.

Guess what? Today my mom bought me a new wallet. EXACTLY like her wrinkly white bag that I detested. I was like...Gee...what am I gonna say? Go on and be nice?

"Hey mom, thanks for the new wallet. I love it SOOOOOO much." And cross my fingers behind my back and force a smile that makes me look like I'm constipated? Or just be honest as usual?

"Hey mom, I TOLD you I don't like wrinkles!! I'll look like an old grandma carrying that thing!"

Or maybe I'll just be smart and say "Thanks!" and pretend to be absorbed with what I was doing.

Anyway, ANYWAY, I'll get to the point.
VEGETABLES!!! THAT's what gets me so bad. Okok, I see your 'duhhhhh' faces already., I'll elaborate.

I was playing the piano during dinnertime while my poor veggies sat abondoned on the dining table, as usual.

Then, dear ol' mom came by, "GIRL?? Why didn't you eat your veggies??!! I KNOW you love leeks, girl, that's why I gave so much!" ...Gee, thanks a lot...

Then, "They're such BEAUTIFUL vegetables!"

I was like what???????????????!!!!!! Beautiful?? You call those pieces of oxidised slime, BEAUTIFUL??

Then she was like..."Yessss....very beautiful vegetables, that's why they're called LEEKS."

Seeing my blank face, she added "Cause their so slim and SLEEK mah..."

And then she gives me a face like..."Geddit?? Geddit?? LEEKS? SLEEK?"


Now you understand why sometimes I think parents are actually Martians whose spaceship busted and landed on Earth by mistake.

As for the Vegetable Beauty Pageant winner of 2005?

Feast your sight and senses on poor Stephanie's dinner.

NOW you understand my distress?

......looks kinda like cockroach eggs stuck together huh?

Monday, November 7, 2005

Yay! New colour pencils! :*

Today I went stationary shopping with my mom, since I had to do this huge deepavali banner. I bought some markers and glue and of course, COLOUR PENCILS! *eyes shine*
When I was young, I used to think that nothing could make me happier than new colour pencils. But then I didn't know about the Nintendo DS , PS2, iPod Nanos and Brandon Boyd. =Þ
Anyway, look at the state of my sis's old colour pencils that I had to use for lack of anything better.

See? Lots of colours missing. :K Oh of course...*eyeball roll* I had some 'substitutes'...if they're even worthy of that title.

Some help. Anyway take look at my new babes and their spiffy new packaging. They own you.

The west coast. Prettiful summer-ish colours.

The East Coast. Dark, mysterious and infinitely awesome colours.

Now don't you want a new set for yourself? Go bug your mom. Only RM30-something per pack. Muahahahaha....

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

The Antidote.

Just now I went to my mom's friend's house, for hi-tea and dinner. What we had for tea was yummy...siew yok. But it wasn't exactly what you would call filling :D While my mom and her friends were engaged in talk, I sat waiting and waiting and waiting for dinner to be served. And guess what it was...SALAD!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....................

Anyway, I ate three cherry tomatoes and sat quietly until my mom friends started going 'aw, poor girl, she must be starving now....' So being smart, ;o) I took that chance. 'Mommy, I want Starbucks for dinner, can ah? ' *bat eyelid* *angelic grin* :D:D:D And yeah, my mom agreed, so I had Starbucks for dinner, or was already 10pm.

I was like YES! Since the weather was so hot and all... precious Turkey Ham and Cheese Sandwich...

...the very, very important Caramel Frappucino, coffee + caramel + ice =syok!

I thought I was in glutton's heaven until I remembered...caffeine. :o
Uh-oh. No sleep tonight. And I'm so, so tired...*cry*

Shitty-poo. Grrrrrrrrrr...............

So hot and bored. *cry*

Wanna know how I feel?

Hot and slightly pissed.

Sleepy and bored.
Thanks to the scorching weather.

Even my dog agrees...


An ice cream is what I need...Hey!!! I've just remembered! I have ice cream in the freezer. W00t! GO ME...*hurries to get ice cream*