Thursday, October 6, 2005

List time!

List time!

I'm in the mood for making lists now.(Don't ask why) :o) Today I'm am going to list down the pros and cons of being a girl. And the same for boys. The list is for entertainment's purpose only. You may or may not enjoy it. And don't blame me if you don't. I'm gonna

# Girls #

*You can paint your nails any colour, without looking gay
*You can talk about anything with your friends...even *cough* private stuff, and not feel uncomfortable
*You can go to toilets in groups without looking sissy
*Don't wanna do PE? Simple. Cramps.
*Want an excuse to skip school? See above.
*You can wear skirts AND jeans withoug getting weird looks
*You can talk too much in class, and the teacher will think it's normal (cause you're a girl, that's why)
*You can flirt your way out of a speeding ticket (this, I read somewhere)
*Too short? There's always heels.
*Blemishes? Foundation. (Not that I'd go near any, since I'm allergic)
*You can always leave the heavy work to the guys, no matter how strong you are. :oP
*When you miss a goal at football, guys will blame it on your extra X-chromosome, and not your own incompetence. (This is sexist, I know. But it's...good, in ways. Like letting the defenders guard down, and earning the privilege of gloating whenever you DO score a goal. Nyeh.)
*You can love pink as much as we want! Maybe it's only me, but...well.

*Guys ALWAYS look down on you. Or think you're vulnerable or something. Grr. Almost always, anyway.
*Sexist jokes. *snarl*
*The mirror in school is never free in an all-girls school
*You get your butt smacked by members of your own gender, as well as the opposite. Which is gross. Yeuch.
*Skirts in school. No business for my coffee-shop. :o(
*Love the electric guitar, and everyone's eyebrows disappear into their hairline.
*No one picks you for sports.
*Cliques. Need I say more?

Mwahahaha. Enough. Gentlemen now. ;-o

# Guys #

*Kick-ass at computer games
*Same goes for sports. Most anyway.
*You have height. (Not that I'm complaining, but some people I know certainly are)
*When you play an instrument, girls say it's sexy. But when girls do, it's nerrrr-dy.
*You get away with going to school with filthy shoes. During primary, anyway.
*You don't need to take rubella shots Dx
*You don't need to plan what to wear. T-shirt, jeans...maybe the occasional corduroys...
*Low-maintainence hair. (Other than metrosexuals who have an addiction to hair-gel)

Hm...can't think of anything else. Now,

*You can't cry. Or society will look down on you...majority anyway.
*You take full blame whenever your girlfriend cries
*Paint your nails're a poser punk. Any other colour...o_o
*Get chummy with your guy friends, and you're either a huge lunk of meat between the ears (jocks, as some would say) or just...
*You're a half girl! Remember your X-chromosome? :-O Lyke png, that ish sooooo......nevermind.
*You can't get together with you friends and have a pedicure.....x.x Ok, I'm just running out of things to say. brain has been sucked dry by the stupid PMR, because I usually have so much say...but...but...but...*is speechless*

Ok, I'm gonna stop here now.

***List was based on general opinion, which may, or may not be true. Stephanie is not responsible for any offense to you and you fellow gender.***

/Have a good night and Please return in the future./

~El Stefania

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