Friday, October 28, 2005

The epic tale of friendship: The burdens of my teenage years

When I say 'teenage years', what do you think of? Yes, they're the best years of your life, we're finally growing up, we have pimples, hardest part of life yadda yadda yadda.

I don't know what YOU think. When I say that, thanks to some individuals, I think of sex-crazed, obnoxious, rebellious young minds. It's all really odd, really. Because people I used to know have changed SO much. And it's all his fault. HIS fault, you know, THE MAN.

As many of you know, I grew up mostly around guys. :o) So the changes happen so subtly, even I hardly notice it. So much for being observant. When I was 10 or 11, I could run around with my friends without bothering if my neckline fell too low (not that I have much too show xD), or if I could spend the night together with a guy in the same room. Actually, what does it matter now?

As if my growing pains weren't  bad enough, SHE had to come along and mess up whole life. When I was trying so hard to convince all the conservative aunties to let me sleep together with the guys  on the floor(instead of next to some old fart who probably snores the whole night and hogged the blankets)on the eve of a friend's birthday party, she was right there whining like a sick pig ('but I want to sleep with them TOO!'). Almost ruined my whole night. You know how fun it is with sleepovers? Yeah, she was there to ruin it.

But nevermind, I got the all clear. BUT, she got to sleep next to me. If you know her well enough, she was a blanket-hog that gets violent while sleeping. She sleeptalks and snores too. Wait...the thing is, this girl had a HUGE (I can't explain) crush on one of my friends. So while I was trying to chat to my friends, she was there giving furtive glances to that boy in particular. And giggling. How embarassing.
"Shes's YOUR friend" "What? I have nothing to do with her!" If you couldn't tell, that was the silent conversation that only friends can master. It's all about the death glares, baby.

Okay, let me explain the love triangle (or some other weird shape). X and Y are my guy friends. A and B are two female...acquaintences. Blahblahblah , A and B had huge crushes on X *roll eyeball*; Y had huge crush on B; X was interested in A. Got that? So congrats to A and X.

X was one of my close friends, and we decided to take a peek at B's 'secret' diary that fateful night. (B was the girl that slept over) Of course, I love reading other people's diaries. :D And when she boasted about how well she hid her diary, I wanted to find it all the more. So X and I waited until all was quiet, and started searching for our prize.

Guess where the diary was? In her BLANKET. Geez, that was called good? Unlocked too. So X and I had a ball of a time reading her secret thoughts about X. It wasn't as juicy as I had expected. :K (I'm evil, aren't I? *smug grin*)

The best part was when B woke up the next morning, giving us this smug smile. "Bet you couldn't find my diary, eh?" And she felt her blanket for the coveted book, and found it exactly where it was the night before. O, how hard X and I had to try and supress our grins.

Then came the feud. B found out that we read her diary. Uh-oh.

Girls: "How could you do that?"
Boys: "She made me do it!"

And the worst part. They made me pick a side. My worst mistake ever.
Guess what? I decided to pick the girls over the guys. The worst damned mistake ever.

Thankfully, my relationship with the guys wasn't irreparable. Though I think they're still wary of me. And yeah, I quit football too. You know why??? Because B insisted on playing as goalie (which was ahem, one of MY positions)

I also played badly because of the guilt of troubling the guys with A and B following me around like sick puppies, especially to the field. AS IF I LIKED THAT A LOT!

The guys started to dislike the girls then, you know lah, puppy love doesn't last long. (after the trouble they put me through!) So with the girls acting like my shadow, following me everywhere...even to the BATHROOM for goodness sake!! They guys avoided them, and in the course avoided me! Curses.

Not to mention the girls questioning me like some guilty criminal everytime I talked to the guys. I'm like haiyooo......., they're my friends lah, I'm not gonna steal him from you or something! Then of course the girls became angry with me talking to them like that, and now I kena from BOTH sides.
But thanks to my infinite genius. :o) I solved the problem. They don't want to speak to me? FINE! Two can play at that game! Don't want to talk to you also! After weeks, then months, then years...
VICTORY! Both finally got over their childishness and wanted my friendship again. This time I did the wise thing and showed were my loyalties lay: with the guys! :D After making THAT clear, I befriended the girls again. Now BOTH are my friends! Clever or not??

*Ok didn't really make sense cause I had to edit out some details. If not there will be MAJOR pissage. Directed at me, of course. -_-''*

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