Sunday, May 29, 2005

What kind of effing luck do I have?

So, it's my birthday this Sunday, right? And what am I supposed to be doing? Sitting in a car on the way back from Port Dickson, that's what. And on the same day I'm supposed to have my 'party'. What sort of party do you expect me to have with absolutely no time to prepare? I'd rather spend my time at home having my friends sleep over the night before thank you very much.
And the worst thing is, I have to go to stupid, filthy PD with absolutely ZERO friends. And my parents expect me to enjoy myself. Like what in the world am I supposed to do alone with a dirty beach with my parents? Who am I supposed to talk and hang with? "You can talk to me." Says mom. Yeah right. What am I supposed to say to her that I can't say every single day of my life? Pah.
I mean, why can't I just freaking stay home by myself? I'd so rather not walk around in my swimsuit getting sunburn and mosquito bites T_T. People told me to postpone the party then. But guess what? Mom already booked the caterer. Oh yeah, you had to go book so far in advance. Instead of spending the night with my friends, now I have to put up with dozens of relatives and family friends patting me on my head and gushing "Oh my god! Look how tall you are now! I can't believe it! You're such a big girl now! Wait, how old are you again?" ...Nice.
Anyway, I'd better end this right now before I destroy the keyboard with my furious typing. Ta.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Dude, I can't believe this...

Anyway, there was this lil dumb blonde (no, I'm not stereotyping. She said so herself) who barged into one of the boards I was on and called me and the kid I was talking to, nerds. All because we were chatting about good books. Lol. And she expected to go all boo hoo and break down and cry. Good luck with that, moron. So even though we went on talking as if she weren't there, she kept bitching about how we had no life and how boring we were. "What about the boys and the parties and the drinks?" she asked. *shakes head* How shallow can you get? FYI, boys and parties are near the end of my list of priorities. If I'm not mistaken, somewhere between homework and death. Drinks however, are a different story. Not gonna say anything about that.
What is the world coming to?! Ok, that was overdramatic. But hell, some little kid just called me a ditz. Do I sound like a ditz? Hell, no. But whatever. Call me what you wish. It isn't my business. That's another issue nowadays. People are obsessed with labling people, consciously or not. If you're a cheerleader, you're a ditz; if you read a lot, you're a nerd; if you dress in black, you're 'punk'. Bullshit. I know a couple of cheerleaders who are genuinely nice and popular; and what's wrong with reading? You like to read, or watch MTV, or go gaming...everyone has their own hobbies. Who are YOU to lable? Ok, maybe you don't. But like it or not, there are people who do. And unlike myself, some people actually feel hurt and dejected when you call them 'unpopular' or something equally hurtful. Then, oh joy, here comes depression.
How many depressed people do I see online? Tons. Some are for real, I can tell. But some are just pathetic people who think that being 'depressed' and 'goth' is cool, and crave attention. Blame the media. Remember the star (from HK, Korea and Japan, I can't remember) who commited suicide because of depression? When people learned of that, they think it's the only way to end their problems. And up goes the suicide rate. Come on, people. Wake up. Having your idol commit suicide doesn't mean you've got to do it too.
Another thing that pisses me off are teenies. People who go around saying 'OMG! I like, totally LOVE SP!!!! David is so freakin hot!'......bands are there for making music, not for you to ogle at. How about MCR, GC and LP? People tell me that they are their favourite band and would DIE for them. But then when they find out Gerard(MCR) cut his oh-so beautiful(?) locks off, they tell me that they are SO like, totally, yesterday. So much for being dedicated fans.
One more thing, before I shut my endless flow of mumbo-jumbo. Peer pressure. Don't get influenced so easily. It's not the end of the world if some classmate of yours got a newer handphone model than yours. That doesn't mean they are any 'better' or 'cooler' than you are. Or if you think you're too fat or too short or something, don't kid yourself. You're probably just the average weight of a normal kid. As for height, don't tell me you want mine. I cannot, and will not give it away. What's so good about being tall anyway? Do you know I get headaches everyday from banging my head on the car door, hanging plants etc? That isn't nice. Not nice at all. I'd rather be a couple inches shorter than I am now. So shut up and be happy with your bodies and possesion. If I can be happy with my way too tall, way too skinny and non-endowed body (with abnormally large feet), so can you.